How long to continue LA-200 for crd hen? should I do follow up injections?


8 Years
Sep 27, 2014
My silkie hen has been sneezing along with very slight facial swelling, and occasional subtle gasping. I suspect cmd, as she's had this come and go her whole life with no issues, however with the weather being extremely cold and her molt, she was definitely struggling. She's now living in the house. I gave her first ever injection of LA-200 a couple days ago, following the info from this post on dosing LA-200. I gave her the appropriate dose in the breast, she weighs 2.57 lbs so I give her 0.5ml. She literally laid an egg 30 mins later lol. And she hasn't laid in a couple months! And she has ceased sneezing the 2nd day. Her nostrils has opened up significantly! 😄

And today, I gave her the second dose. I noticed that her nose was running a bit and she was sneezing occasionally 😟. Nostrils are nice and open, but I saw a bit of clear discharge. I don't know if it's because she was nosing around in the bedding as she is more active, or it could be her feather dust irritating her.

I'm worried it's a relapse of cmd, and I wanna know is it normal for things to get better, then worse, then better again? I might be speaking too soon, as I just started the second dose, and I get that's the point of a 2nd dose lol. Should I go for a third dose on the 6th day to be safe? I don't want to overdo it, but I also don't want to not do enough. What would be the cutoff for injections? and should I do a follow up a few weeks later with a smaller dosage?
I’ve only given oxytetracycline subcutaneously, as it’s supposed to be very hard on muscle. But to answer your question, I would say two weeks, which should be 5 doses (every three days). The only time I’ve used it here, I had four birds present ill (sinus issues/gurgling), and all showed improvement by the 2nd injection - all fully recovered.
CRD is another name for mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG.) It can be common in some backyard flocks and wild birds. It spreads by direct contact with a carrier or through the hatching egg.

LA 200 or long acting oxytetracycline injectable is a cattle medicine given once every 3 days. Use in chickens is a little shakey, but some do use it. I would continue the injections at least 3 times over 9 days. Normally oxytetracycline oral medication would be given for 7 days, or as much as 14.

Since this is a chronic disease, you may want to get some Tylosin powder to treat her water in the future. Do any others in the flock have this problem or symptoms? This is where I have obtained Tylosin (generic Tylan) from, and it is out of stock just temporarily:
CRD is another name for mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG.) It can be common in some backyard flocks and wild birds. It spreads by direct contact with a carrier or through the hatching egg.

LA 200 or long acting oxytetracycline injectable is a cattle medicine given once every 3 days. Use in chickens is a little shakey, but some do use it. I would continue the injections at least 3 times over 9 days. Normally oxytetracycline oral medication would be given for 7 days, or as much as 14.

Since this is a chronic disease, you may want to get some Tylosin powder to treat her water in the future. Do any others in the flock have this problem or symptoms? This is where I have obtained Tylosin (generic Tylan) from, and it is out of stock just temporarily:
She's the only one in the flock that has symptoms, the other chickens (silke rooster, 3 silkie hens, 2 standard sized hens) have been symptom free. They have been handling the cold well, and laying frequently. This particular silkie I've noticed, would be the first chicken to start panting in the summer, while the others were fine. So I guess she's always been sensitive and more prone to crd. Since we've moved to a colder climate last year, she's been succumbing to the crd in the winter.

Also thanks for the link! I have been getting a headache trying to find a way to buy Tylan. I couldn't find any tylan at my feedstore, so I had to resort to LA-200. Also would Denegard be useful? I've seen a post that mentioned to use Denegard as a monthly preventative. And plus I can easily order it from amazon and get it quickly
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I’ve only given oxytetracycline subcutaneously, as it’s supposed to be very hard on muscle. But to answer your question, I would say two weeks, which should be 5 doses (every three days). The only time I’ve used it here, I had four birds present ill (sinus issues/gurgling), and all showed improvement by the 2nd injection - all fully recovered.
ok thanks! I will do subcutaneously then. I've only done one injection in each breast, so hopefully she isn't too sore.
I’ve been giving my silkie la-200 orally for a day now but am considering switching to injection. Will this be too much for her to handle. Did her oral this morning
I’ve been giving my silkie la-200 orally for a day now but am considering switching to injection. Will this be too much for her to handle. Did her oral this morning
I’d wait until tomorrow. When I gave it via injection, I only did every three days, subcutaneously (supposed to be really hard on muscle tissue).
I’ve been giving it to a girl orally this week, every other day, and I’ve seen a big improvement (was gurgling - isn’t now). I wasn’t familiar with giving it orally, so was kind of guessing at frequency via that route.
I’d wait until tomorrow. When I gave it via injection, I only did every three days, subcutaneously (supposed to be really hard on muscle tissue).
I’ve been giving it to a girl orally this week, every other day, and I’ve seen a big improvement (was gurgling - isn’t now). I wasn’t familiar with giving it orally, so was kind of guessing at frequency via that route.
I’ve only given oxytetracycline subcutaneously, as it’s supposed to be very hard on muscle. But to answer your question, I would say two weeks, which should be 5 doses (every three days). The only time I’ve used it here, I had four birds present ill (sinus issues/gurgling), and all showed improvement by the 2nd injection - all fully recovered.
what amount did you use?

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