How many chickens in the coop?

Manure plans are....?

Do you need 80-100 chickens for eggs?
That's A LOT of eggs!!
That was tongue in cheek.

As you are just starting out, or rather planning well ahead of time(KUDOS!),,
readreadreadreadread here about different situations, things that went well, things that did not, different coop configurations, different feed/water setups.
There's ton of little things that can make a big difference,
and some big things that you don't want to skimp on,
learning it all is like getting a sip of water out of a fire hose.
I read for 6 months before starting to build, and I had a big shed to start with.
There's ton of good info here but you have to wade thru a lot of flotsam and jetsam.
I kept notes(copy and pasted links and text) into a word doc and a spread sheet as I found stuff that I wanted to save for reference later.

Not sure how you chose 16x24, and whether that is carved in stone or not,
but it would be a very nice sized building that would give you many options.
Design your space to be flexible and multi functional.

Nipple in pipes with heat and flow not impossible but complicated,
I wanted it but settled on this and it has worked out very well.

Lol. I didn't say I was going to START with 80-100 chickens! XD That would be insane! <3 I was thinking of working my way up to that point (thinking ahead), and along the way find out how to - and if I really want to do it myself - cull the chickens for meat. Thank you for the link! <3 Deep litter, btw.

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