How many chicks should I get?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 15, 2013
Seattle, WA
My Coop
My Coop
Reading through these threads and stories about losing chicks/chickens I'm wondering should I get more than I want with the assumption I will lose some along the way? This will be my first time raising chicks/ keeping chickens and would like to have a flock of 4. I'm currently building a 4x4 coop over an 4x8.5 run. We have a small yard that is completely fenced in where I would like to let the chickens roam when I am around to watch. Should I get 5 just assuming one will get sick, turn out to be a rooster, not be a layer, get snatched etc or am I just reading the horror stories?
I'd get 5 or 6. Unless you are getting sex linked females, about one of 10 will be a rooster, as an overall average.
I agree with flockwatcher, 5 or 6 if you want 4 is a good bet. The horror stories are often scarier than reality, but it is still good to be prepared. Besides, 6 chickens isn't that much more to house or take care of than 4 even if they all wind up being healthy girls!
Ok, so my hubby and I are total newbies at this but we just hatched 21 eggs successfully and learned tons along the way. First, don't assume you will lose any and if a chick sickens, you can ask on the forum and get tons of immediate advice. My husband built an 5x8 coup and we are putting insulation in it and setting it up. If you want to try your hand, stick with a few but from what I've read and experienced myself, if you decide you want more later on, you can't put younger birds in with the older ones because they are territorial and will hurt them. So its best to get maybe a few more now and see how it goes.

We just got two turkey chicks! One is older and considerably larger than the other and the rest of my chick flock. He/she was very intimidated when I put her in, away from the chicks. I had to wait until the initial "who are you" investigation before the chicks would accept her and not be afraid of her. Even though she's the biggest and tallest in the brooder, because of the similarity in age and relative size, my chicks quickly accepted her. That isn't always the case and I was just plain lucky this time.

I'm a newbie too, and was told I would probably lose a few in the first few weeks...well 4 weeks later I didn't lose a single one, and at the moment have 16 babies. I've discovered 3 to be Roos, so they are going to new homes today, and I'm throwing a pullet from TSC in with them for good measure (because NOW I want 4 new breeds). So my original plan of only 4-6 has definitely gone out the window, but I would get the amount you want...if you happen to lose any, you can always get more (and most likely will anyway as it's addicting)!!

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