How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

4 from 3???? How did that happen? I cleaned and fluffed nest boxes when I put them to bed at 7 PM last night after only 1 egg in morning. Usually is 2 or 3.

Got home from Worship this afternoon to find 4!!!!!!!!! Now since they are locked in (so no visitors could have come) where did a 4th egg come from? I thought they didn't lay late evening! Well no complaints..... but didn't expect to ever get 4 eggs with only 3 chickens.
I got 4 from 3 once, but I only had two the day before. I think #3 girl pulled a late shift.

New layer. Im thinking it's from my moms extra large lavender Orpington, but not sure. My moms other lavender orpington lays the same color, smaller, and no freckles. What do y'all think?

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