How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Yesterday, was 2 of 3, that I know of.
So far, noting today, unless something nabbed one or two
or maybe they cut back due to the heat.
I'm completely impressed with my girls. I have 11, 3 year olds and 6, 25 week old pullets. Two days ago I got 15/17!!!!
They're pretty consistent with laying 10 eggs/day. Way to go girls!!!
I have 2 coops next to each other that share a huge run that is divided into "big girl" side and "baby" side. They got to see each other through the fence for weeks while they grew out a little before we let them free-range outside together under supervision. We didn't have any issues with fighting or anything. The 2 flocks pretty much stayed away from each other with a little mingling every once and a while. We did supervised "play dates" for a week before trusting there wouldn't be any issues when they got to mingle together in the run/coops. So we took the divider out of the run and now they share a huge run and 2 coops. They still roost in their original coops but members of each flock will investigate each others areas. In a few weeks, the "babies" will have to move to the big girl coop permanently to make room for the newest babies moving out to the "baby" coop.

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