How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?


9 brown
6 blue (one CCL blue pullet egg found in the yard, under the roots of a tree
5 white
1 white banty egg, found in the duck house

I read about Scout......she is oh so precious! Has she started laying yet? What breed is she?
Silkies you say?? Of course I want some of those to...LOL.....chicken math!

Lulu was a straight run banty chick from the feed store (Big R), who thankfully is a pullet. I wonder why yours never laid and egg?

Mine was at the top of the pecking order until she went broody late last summer and was away from the flock while I broke her of it. After i returned her to the flock, they had forgotten her and she became the bottom on the pecking order, which is bad due to her size. I had no idea that would happen to her.
. I feel so bad about it. I would like to get more banties and keep them separate from the big chickens. I feel so sorry for her, and I worry about her. I need to heed your warning and separate her and get her some tiny friends real soon!!!
Oh yeah, there are a couple of young kids raising them nearby, that;s probably where I'll get mine.

I had heard sometimes when they get to point of lay in fall they hold off til spring. I never worried about it, but now I am wondering too? Yes, separation seems to be key, please protect Lulu.

Still waiting...31 weeks tomorrow
It'll happen, be patient. We know it's hard.
I would love to see a picture of her!!!! Is she your only sneaky egg hider? Is it a banty thing? My Cream legbars were sneaky until I cross fenced, so with not so many buldings to get into, they go in the hen house now. But, Lulu can get out because she is so tiny. My 3 ducks have a giant area and hide their eggs too. Like you, I only like the hunt when I find the eggs still fresh, but like your girl, mine will move to another location if I find her nest.

If you had not seen her go behind the hay bales would you have found them, or smelled them 2 months from now.....

In the burn barrel, in the ashes????? Holy Moly!!! Maybe I had better expand my searches....I would never have looked in the burn barrel!!!!
I found a pic of my mystery bantam girl from this past fall when I first got her...She was broody along with the Brahma lol

Only pics I have of her at the moment

Oh yeah almost forgot 23/39 today
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