How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?


Momma let the littles out for a few mins today. Got a good look at ones feathers. At least 1 is a girl.
Got 12 eggs out of 14 hens. One hen I don't count cause she is sitting on ha ha golf balls right now. Hopefully she stays broody till I get my new chicks in. I ordered some from heirloom orpingtons about 3 weeks ago. Hope to be here soon.
Black Australorps?

Yep. I've got 7 hens 1 rooster and 2 littles with 2 more due within the week if momma stays on them. If not I'll try my best to save them under a heat lamp because I'm without an incubator and no time nor cash to get one and make sure the temp and humidity is right.

Wish me luck with my cute little ones. My mom-n-law wants them if they are both female. Along with at least 2 more. She can't have Roos but she loves my fresh eggs. Now she wants to have her own.
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OK, I have to ask. I see people referring to the number of hens that are laying. How do you KNOW which hens are laying, short of camping out at the nesting boxes for a few days?

I have never had a day with 100% production, so does that mean some of my hens aren't laying?
Brown-7 (All brown layers laid an egg)
Blue-4 (1 CCL, 1EB, 2 EE)

Today's 4 slackers are 1 easter Egger, 1 Easter Bar, 2 Cream Legbar

Duck: 3/3/3
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