How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

13 eggs/ 16 hens. After collecting the eggs, I started the whole lot of them including the 19 chicks on Corid. In the last 2 days I have had 2 chicks drop over dead for no apparent reason. I've never wormed the flock before & several people on BYC suggested coccidiosis, so while the chicks poop looks normal, some of the layers have very runny poop. Anyway, the dog and the chickens get to look forward to a lot of eggs over the next 3 weeks! I hope they enjoy them & I hope it takes care of the problem!
8/10/24 so far, possibly
more by 6pm, late layer lately.
7 eggs from 8 hens,,,BUT Sookie was trying to lay and I had to put them in the coop early due to severe storms
Yesterday was 8 eggs from 8 hens
Just checked and had a late egg from Sookie so today was 8 eggs from 8 hens too.....tomorrow Sookie will most likely take a day off
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Not to worry. Being as it's her first, her ink jet may need a little time to load up.

Awesome either ways she's a character my barnie and this morning I went to the coop to check on my girls after installing a new roost and noticed she got pooped on the head, poor bugger.

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