How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

We got 10/14 -but the 4 Isa browns are really getting up there in age so I'm not expecting alot of them .but I have currently 16- 6 week old chicks and 15 -2 week old chicks that I have high hopes for a few months down the road !
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False alarm my barnevelder layed an egg under the barbecue and not the nesting box
her very first egg and not as dark as I thought it would be

6/6/7 yesterday.
Day 2 in the life of my little balls of fluff. Looking great and momma hen is still guarding the remaining 2 eggs that are on day 18 today.
Pray she stays diligent and hatches the remaining 2.
6/6/7 yesterday.
Day 2 in the life of my little balls of fluff. Looking great and momma hen is still guarding the remaining 2 eggs that are on day 18 today.

Pray she stays diligent and hatches the remaining 2.

I hope so, but from what I've heard it's not likely for a hen to keep sitting on eggs for more than two days or so after the first one hatches.
Please keep us informed.

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