How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Figures I deworming the hens last week and they are cranking out 8-11 eggs a day grrrrrrrr.. Two more weeks to go before i can sell and eat them.. I used wazine to deworm. I panicked thought i saw a worm in poop , so i dewormed them all and after inspecting all the poop the "worm" turned out to be grass in one poop.....
4/10 +redlets+Maranettes+teen roo. What's the deal w/ egg production? In the winter I average 8-10 now they've decrease to 4-7?
I thought white leghorns doesn't go broody?
From your writing, I'm guessing you're either American or British. Am I correct? If so, how'd you come to love in Terragona, other than the fact that it must be fabulous?

Missed this. I'm British, from SE England. I moved to Tarragona for love. :) Met my girlfriend (she's Swiss) nine years ago and lived here for just under that.
4/10 +redlets+Maranettes+teen roo. What's the deal w/ egg production? In the winter I average 8-10 now they've decrease to 4-7?
I thought white leghorns doesn't go broody?
Um, it has been my experience that the chickens most of us have have not read the books or perused the forum. Easter Eggers aren't normally broody, either, yet Agatha is out on her nest, brooding for the second time in 8 months, and she was only 8 months old when she went broody the first time and successfully hatched our Scout.

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