How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I am a newbie!!!! I brought 6 RI Red/white rock hybrids home on Saturday. They are acclimating well to their new run/coop, and I am anxiously awaiting my first eggs!!! They are 24 weeks old, and no eggs yet. At least there weren't any when I left for work. Can't wait to get home and check!!!
can someone please tell me what happens if a black cochin rooster mates with a white cochin hen.what will they produce.also i have 4 duccle hens so 4 eggs a day
Missed this. I'm British, from SE England. I moved to Tarragona for love. :) Met my girlfriend (she's Swiss) nine years ago and lived here for just under that.

Lovely story. Thank you.

PS. Being British, you may appreciate the fact that I named my 2 Speckled Sussex, Margaret T. Hatcher and Eggatha Christie. ::D
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I went away for a week and told my neighbor about the one broody I had, and to just take the eggs.
Well, I came home to THREE broodys, leaving two nesting boxes for the other 16 hens.

I gave the BO and CM 12 eggs each (now down to 11) and they are doing a good job so far. I candled the eggs last night and all 22 look good!

I built a row of six more nesting boxes, and now have FOUR broodys!

Anyone want a "start your own flock" kit?
Oh, and the five ISA Browns and three easter eggers are settling in nicely, learning to avoid the cranky older hens.
can someone please tell me what happens if a black cochin rooster mates with a white cochin hen.what will they produce.also i have 4 duccle hens so 4 eggs a day
Just a guess but cockerels will probably be white and pullets will be black, some may be spotted.

I have 42 Loghorns and never had a broody one yet
My leghorns (two) have never been broody. My EEs have all gone broody. But they're so thoroughly mutts that whatever applies to EEs in general is really watered-down.
Um, it has been my experience that the chickens most of us have have not read the books or perused the forum. Easter Eggers aren't normally broody, either, yet Agatha is out on her nest, brooding for the second time in 8 months, and she was only 8 months old when she went broody the first time and successfully hatched our Scout.
When I was growing up we had a henhouse with around 100 white leghorns and there were always a couple in broody jail cages hanging from the roof.
That was over a half century ago and they may not have had those hormones bred out of them back then.
I had a Black Leghorn that raised a couple broods for me every year.
Here she is with some black Penedesenca chicks she hatched.

I am a newbie!!!! I brought 6 RI Red/white rock hybrids home on Saturday. They are acclimating well to their new run/coop, and I am anxiously awaiting my first eggs!!! They are 24 weeks old, and no eggs yet. At least there weren't any when I left for work. Can't wait to get home and check!!!
Good luck. Keep your fingers crossed, they will com.

Anyone want a "start your own flock" kit?

Missed this. I'm British, from SE England. I moved to Tarragona for love.
Met my girlfriend (she's Swiss) nine years ago and lived here for just under that.
How have you been? I'm the one asking about Penedesencas.

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