How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

5/5 They are really doing better than I could have hoped. May hatch and no steady eggs till Jan.1 but it ramped up quick probably averaging 3.5-4 eggs a day for the last week. 13 hours of light, layer pellets with some flock raiser pellets mixed in and for scratch I mix traditional scratch with some dry mealworms grit and oyster shell. They get reasonable amounts of kitchen leftovers too.
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I started adding black oil sunflower seeds a few weeks ago (otherwise they get layer mash, scraps and a few greens) and my egg production is up. I live in TN and have 10 pullets total- 7 of them are laying- 3 are too young yet. No supplemental light. Temperatures between 15-32 degrees for the last several days. I'm averaging about 5 eggs a day from 7 pullets. Some days 4 eggs and one day only 2 but the majority of days in the last few weeks- 5 eggs! 2 wyandottes, one welsummer, 1 astralop and 3 silkies that just started and are laying every single day. All my silkies were hatched July15 so right at 6 months- three newly laying (less than a month) and three that haven't decided to get with it yet. Maybe they'll wait for spring now? I'm thrilled with the eggs I'm getting. I'm sure its partly due to new layers but I think the sunflowers seeds have helped.

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