How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?


4 eggs + ?

2 eggs from the control group

2 eggs from the free range chickens and I got to see the crows carrying off 2 more eggs a during the day

Temp in the low 90's with some strong winds all day
5/13 hubby keep forgetting to add vitamin supplements to the water!2/ 4 but they are being treated for a bad case of icky butt so scrap them and 3_3 from the quail. No eggs yet from the BA pullets or from the black mottled Cochin pullets. Need to candle the JG in the bator. Please say a prayer this batch makes it after the last one cooked on the last week to go.
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4 eggs + ?

2 eggs from the control group

2 eggs from the free range chickens and I got to see the crows carrying off 2 more eggs a during the day

Temp in the low 90's with some strong winds all day
Hi Gander, I hope you enjoyed the cooler weather I brought to California & Arizona with me. The days that I was in each state they had cooler than normal temps! I got back home late last night & found out that I have 2 broody hens! I've never even had 1 broody hen before. I hope they manage ok in the hot weather we are having. I have no idea how long they have been sitting, I was gone for 13 days.
Hi Gander, I hope you enjoyed the cooler weather I brought to California & Arizona with me. The days that I was in each state they had cooler than normal temps! I got back home late last night & found out that I have 2 broody hens! I've never even had 1 broody hen before. I hope they manage ok in the hot weather we are having. I have no idea how long they have been sitting, I was gone for 13 days.
Hope the trip trip went well and Welcome back
pre molt? 3/5 again
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@karenerwin , thank you for the cool weather we sure needed it and I got a lot of work accomplished around the yard .
I hope the time you spent with your mother went well and congratulations on the two broody hens



4 eggs

3 eggs from the control group chickens

1 egg from the free range chickens
The crows are murdering the egg count

Temp 100F degrees with some moderate winds all day

One of my Drakes waiting for his woman to finish hatching her eggs I guess he is the door guard

The black and white ones Molten Houdan, hatched out Monday and the maroon one Russian Orloff, hatched out Tuesday and they are already starting to grow little feathers

It is so warm here the chicks don't even have a heating element to keep them warm

@karenerwin , thank you for the cool weather we sure needed it and I got a lot of work accomplished around the yard .
I hope the time you spent with your mother went well and congratulations on the two broody hens



4 eggs

3 eggs from the control group chickens

1 egg from the free range chickens
The crows are murdering the egg count

Temp 100F degrees with some moderate winds all day

One of my Drakes waiting for his woman to finish hatching her eggs I guess he is the door guard

The black and white ones Molten Houdan, hatched out Monday and the maroon one Russian Orloff, hatched out Tuesday and they are already starting to grow little feathers

It is so warm here the chicks don't even have a heating element to keep them warm

@gander007 you're welcome, too bad it doesn't really work that way. My trip was actually to see my oldest brother & his wife. I also got to see my nephew & his girlfriend, & my niece & a cousin I hadn't seen in about 20+ years. It also gave the foreign exchange student staying with us a chance to see other parts of America! We went to L.A., Hollywood, Santa Monica & Anaheim (Disneyland). Then we drove to Arizona & we went to Sedona, Phoenix, & to the Grand Canyon. All in all we had a great time!

While I was gone, my Dad ended up in the hospital. He thought he was having a heart attack. He wasn't, thank the Lord, but he does have some kind of really bad Strep. He just got out of the hospital on Thursday (he was there 6 days). He has a PICC line and has to have antibiotics everyday for 6 weeks!! They also discovered that he has a leaky heart valve, but they decided, it doesn't need to be replaced like they had thought at first.

I called my other brother in Arkansas & he drove up & stayed for the week. He is heading back home on Sunday. My Mom has had good days (like today) when she is aware of her surroundings & what is going on & even eats some and then she has bad days where she doesn't even realize that it is daytime even though the sun in blazing in through the window, she won't eat, she isn't aware of what's going on or who is there. She no longer gets up out of bed. Another niece who is a physical therapist & works in an old folks home has told my Dad that Mom has lots of symptoms of someone that has had a mild stroke (in addition to whatever else is going on). But that hasn't been confirmed or denied. We made a doctor's appointment for her for today but had to cancel it because she has to be moved by medical transport & we didn't realize that they needed at least 5 days notice. @penny1960

I only got 7 eggs today, all from the coop that doesn't have any broody hens in it. 1 broody has 9 eggs under her & the other broody has 4. I was disappointed with the 4 eggs, not a single 1 was a black Penedesenca egg, even though there are 2 Black Penedesenca hens in that coop & 2 white leghorn hens, the rooster is a Black Penedesenca.
Unfortunately, the other 15 hens (combined from the 2 coops) haven't laid any eggs since I have been home (2 days). I'm guessing that may be a common trend, but I was expecting them to keep laying & that the broody hens would try to "steal" the freshly laid eggs. I did mark all 9 of the eggs in the 1 nest box so I can tell if any new ones are added in the next few days.

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