How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

7/13 from Fester's coop, 3/4 from Stumpys but had to throw away still recovering from antibiotics but the icky butt is leaving! 3/3 from the quail. BA pullets have combs getting dark pink and the mottled Cochin pullets are just turning pink. Less than14 days to go on my JG hatch. Thinking of putting a temp pen in Fester's coop to let my broody blue girl hatch since I can't get her to stop sitting and fighting off two crazy bantam EE's that want her nest.
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1/15 - new layer from 17 wk olds

7 eggs

2 eggs from the control group

5 eggs from the free range chickens
Ya I beat the crows to the eggs today but the crows are now devouring the chicken feed

Temp 102F degrees with light winds
Glad to see you had a better egg count today! Sounds like those crows are determined to get a free meal off of you one way or another.
13 eggs today, 8 from 8 in 1 coop, 3 from 4 in another coop and 2 from 12 in the last coop.
Hubby said the Penedesenca is sitting on fresh eggs because he moved her every day & took what she was sitting on. Today there was a Black Penedesenca egg under her, so I left it with 2 or 3 white leghorn eggs( crossed with Penedesenca rooster). Hopefully I'll be able to tell which are which when (if) they all hatch, otherwise I won't be able to keep any of them for breeding purposes. I want to make sure I have pure Black Penedesencas & no crosses in the breeding program, but that would just mean they would go into the egg laying only coop instead.
The other broody has been sitting on her eggs a few (??) days longer because she "tried to bite" my husband when he tried to move her to get the eggs.
Hopefully, between the 2 broodies, I'll get some chicks! My last 2 tries at incubating in an incubator have only hatched eggs I was hatching for OTHER people!
Nice egg count! It's been a long time since I got a perfect egg count from all my coops.
With only 5 barred hens the rest pullets under 6 month and a few days with 3 or 4
I was sure they were going into first adult molt, I do have 3 easter egger pullets about old enough
maybe see a few from them within the month
Had to give up 2 pullets yesterday, one probably laying. I felt bad but we had 2 that we got to butcher and 2 others to keep plus or older 6. But a few weeks ago due to unfortunate circumstances a friend of ours lost there him so we or housing her 4 chickens also...

Total 14 chickens. My 2 for butcher, well things have just been crazy busy so we hadn't butchered then yet and one of the 2 had a full red comb already, I hadn't seen her laying but yesterday I got 6 eggs, 6 of 6 hens, 8 pullets no big deal right? Except I have one hen that we just broke from broody and she normally lays a very obvious defective weak shelled egg. This was not one in the 6. Only 2 of the pullets have reds combs, but the other should lay green eggs (she might be laying too but I'm not sure yet).

Anyways I felt bad about the idea of but ching a laying hen and I don't want to have to raise so many just yet so we rehomed the 2 planned for butcher so at least for now they can live as egg lays and I won't feel so stressed about my chicken population. My coop is small (4x7) so we are making adjustments to provide more comfort, but the run is big infact almost 240sq ft.

Good thing was the whole flock was slightly more peaceful today having 2 less chickens, now I just need to finish the coop modifications.

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