How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?


4 Chicken eggs

The Ducks and Geese are holding out after making a good show for eggs .

Temp low 60s in the day and low 40s at night with soft winds

karenerwin , 6 eggs you are just nocking it out .
Thanks Gander, it sure doesn't feel like it. I have 1 coop that still hasn't given me any eggs for almost 2 months!! I'm glad to see that your egg counts are increasing.
only 4 today.


Chicken eggs 2

Goose eggs 1

Temp low 60s all day and low 40s at night with 10 MPH winds all day and with the snow in the mountains it is a chilly wind .


The only ladys I have that are producing eggs right now are a year old or younger and in the barn out of the wind and weather . And the ladies outside are not giving me any eggs that I can find and the one momma chicken is in a shed with just her and her chick and it is growing fast eating chicks feed and cooked eggs .
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We only had 10 at 7a, one of our australorp hens crushed a guinea egg while preparing to lay.:( So only 10 at 8a. However, I feel bad for several of my hens. I was almost certain the ducks somehow managed to get into the nesting boxes. I had 4 HUGE eggs this morning, and know that they weren't duck eggs as my ducks aren't laying and they're the wrong color. But HOLY COW! They do NOT fit in a jumbo carton.
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Monthly totals so far:
1 hen start laying 2nd, 1 on 27th, 1 on 29th
Total october eggs-36
another hen start laying on 20th
Total november eggs-89

Not bad for all new layers in winter months! :D

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