How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I had one broken rubber egg so I think a new girl may have laid her first egg (either my Cukoo Marans or my Wellsummer) and my Australorp laid her first egg. They have all reached laying age. I had a total of 7 eggs out of 11 layers, but since I am in the process of de-worming, we don't get to eat any and it kind of takes the fun out of getting new eggs. :( Oh well, at least my dogs have been enjoying scrambled eggs.
Please take care of yourself also
Thanks! I am.

Oh no! I hope they can pinpoint what's wrong.

I agree with Penny. Please take care of yourself. We took turns staying with my Grandmother last year at this time and it was exhausting to do that on top of our everyday jobs and lives. The doctor finally assessed that she couldn't live alone, so we moved her into a care home at Christmas.
Thanks. We are trying to see if we can hire someone to stay with her 8 hours a day. Then I can still go to work (I'm a teacher) and then drive back ( hour & a half each way) out in the evening to make sure she eats dinner, takes her medicine & gets to bed safely. Then drive home to be there to go to work in the morning. It'll be tiring, but it is the short term solution. My brother & his wife are coming in next weekend & we will hopefully be able to take my Dad ( if he's out of the hospital by then) to look at assisted living places. Both he & my Mom have agreed that it is time for them to move to one.

My Mother had to go to a care home this year Karen take care of yourself
Thanks! Hopefully we can find a place that they are ok with & that has openings.


0 eggs today

Temp a cold 53F whit strong winds all day and night down to freezing at night and it is not even winter yet .
The girls were holding out on you today, shame on them. LOL. Stay warm.

Thanks for the prayers Gander.

It is absolutely awful I use to talk to my Mom
daily she is 76
Wow, your Mom is pretty young. I am sorry to hear that she is having such trouble already.
I have 12 girls and a rooster. At least 8 look old enough to be laying but I don't know hatch dates. only 1 to 3 eggs a day, so am disappointed. I don't light the coop or know the breed except for two white leghorns, one which lays almost daily and the other should start soon. Feed is free range, laying mash -not pellets- whole corn and whole oats. Got any ideas other than artificial light which I don't plan to use?
Quote: Thank you started as her going septic over a treatment next thing we know she doesn't remember
mind wanders my brother steps in put her on property with him... Ma had buried her the last of her only two true loves 2
years prior(Dad was 14 yr her senior, Wayne 17 yrs her senior) Ma was ready to join them she did not want to live alone her health and mental went down so fast
my brother calls he says had to have Ma brought in by ambulance may not make it through the night....
she had given him a power of attorney over her requests no life support no tubes he could not find the **** thing so they tubed her
kept her alive but whatever this septic turned into they call it progressive dementia and no turning back

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