How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

1 today
2 yesterday
2 the day before
9/14. They are ahead of last weeks pace,at this time. Still waiting on 3 BC Marans, 6 ee's & 6 barred rocks to start laying. My White Leghorns(3) & SLW's (2) & 9 Isa Browns are laying well since I install a light on a timer. With the time change they were beginning to slow down.
It was like the mother load
but first I must explain
My brown egg layers have done NOTHING, Zilch etc.. since October 1 when they figured out it's darker earlier. One hen goes stealth and a week ago brought out 16 peeps to parade around and she is a proud momma hen. I set her up with a nice cozy wooden box by the food in the aisleway of the barn. This is across from the hen house. I check the hen house faithfully everyday.. ya never know..... but -0- I am on chick count and go to the peep house and WOW there were 7 eggs in there and all brown! What's up with that????
2 out of 3. Wynonna the one legged wonder chicken hasn't figured it out yet but her sisters who just started laying last Mon. are giving up an egg a day. It's like Xmas/birthday/fathersday every morning here. Too cool!

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