How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Ummm I think 3. Out of about 50 girls.

It's called lots of rain, molting birds, broody birds, and birds who are done for the season.
I got zer0 eggs today, too. yesterday we got 1. 2 out of our 9 just started laying. so we get an egg or 2 everyday or everyother...???? something like that. we are still waiting for our 4 BR ladies to get on the egg train,
i think they bought tickets.... lets hope so.
alls i want for christmas is more eggs!!
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After we lost our 3 older laying hens our newbies finally started to lay yesterday we got 5 eggs and 3 were layed in the dog house on our deck the other 2 were in the nesting boxes in the barn it's an igloo dog house and it has straw in there they lay in the far back so I had to crawl in there and reach them with the tongs but I got them. Are they laying in there because of the straw cause we have wood chips in their boxes in the barn. It was funny cause they were lined up waiting their turn!!!

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