How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?


vfem: Are they moltin? Thats my problem.
Literally Jen, not one of my silkies has laid me an egg since September! 2 of my hens are 2 years old... 1 is an unknown age, at least 2 years and 1 should have started laying in Septmeber that I hatched myself.

I have 3 japanese bantams that started laying in September and then just stopped!

I swear they started molting in October or mostly so... they should be done and back to laying now?
Mine have been molting since September. I haven't had an egg since October and they are 2 1/2 years old. I have people calling for eggs
I even went to a local farmer with 60 chickens and they are getting 2 eggs a day. What up? Is it a national revolt?

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