How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

5 chicken egg's today

Temp's in the low 80's most of the day with light winds ......
I'm amazed. The local farm that sells eggs is currently only selling dairy. They have 15 acres and a BUNCH of chickens. But the chickens aren't laying for the season. The sign said "seasonal lay-off". Most are molting. I Just find that insane how you go from sooooooo many to zip!

My hen that started laying 2 Sundays ago hasn't missed even one day of giving me an egg. She is amazing @-@

The farmer lady said since she hatched so late in the year and is starting her cycle now, she will probably have a very early molt next year (julyish). Which is fine cuz I'll have other chickens reaching maturity by then :)

I'm wondering. ... I think I may just let nature be nature and run with the "everything happens for a reason" philosophy. Maybe the chickens need that seasonal break? So I don't think I'll supplement extra light or different feed, I'll Just let happen what happens. It's also interesting.... while the chickens are off laying at the farm, the cows are producing big time! They are apparently doubling their normal milk production this time of year so the farm will be carrying special dairy items that they can only make this time of year with so much extra dairy.

Maybe we are meant to eat less eggs at this time of year and have more dairy? Makes me wonder :)
Any of you other guys who suffer from frozen eggs, there is a cleaver project in the DIY thread...

OMG thank you so much for posting that link to the thread, I am reading the whole thing and man people have some great ideas. Loved the seedling mat in the nest boxes to keep eggs from freeziing, plus they posted pics of everything. I have seen some cool ideas I want to try...thanks again.

1 out of 4 today and I'm actually surprised we got the 1. Now that it's turned cold and snow is on the ground, it's very clear that my girls are not happy with the fact that we live in Minnesota. If they are as miserable as they appear to be (they won't step on the snow to save their life), then I would suspect they will stop laying any day now.
Scott, what breeds do you have? I think you stated you have cold hardy breeds. So this is my first winter with chickens and I am already re-assessing the run and where to put wind breaks up for the birds. i also didn't get enough straw down in the run so the girls don't like to stand in it, which makes sense. Anyway, ours seem to be adjusting a bit more to the snow. Maybe it will take time? Also how old are your girls?

I'm amazed. The local farm that sells eggs is currently only selling dairy. They have 15 acres and a BUNCH of chickens. But the chickens aren't laying for the season. The sign said "seasonal lay-off". Most are molting. I Just find that insane how you go from sooooooo many to zip!....Maybe we are meant to eat less eggs at this time of year and have more dairy? Makes me wonder :)

Well I am sure they are getting some eggs, probably just not enough to sell, that is my guess. We have 23 hens, no supplemental lighting in coop and our average has been 18 a day, even through molting and now the snow. Now it is just the beginning of winter so I am sure ours will slow down, or maybe not, who knows.

I agree with the let chickens be chickens philosophy.
No added Sun light, no forcing them to lay.
Let nature take its course and the chickens will be happier and healthier.

If people want more eggs, get another chicken.
:goodpost: I couldn't have said it better!

Oh and final count from yesterday 18/23... I expect less today as it is cold and snow, got down to 0 last night and we keep getting steady snow. Suppose to dip below freezing tonight, did get a heat lamp in the coop late yesterday, the gang seemed appreciative.
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Hi, COChix.

We have four Black Australorps who were hatched in mid-April. I did notice late yesterday afternoon that two of them were becoming more adventurous and walked out of the run roughly 5 or 6 feet. I would suspect they were getting stir crazy hanging out in the coop all day for two straight days. The other two were not about to come down. My guess is once they get used to it and become stir crazy enough, the snow won't be so bad for them :)
My 6 hens have really slowed down. Got one today. I don't lock the coop door because it gets really tight when I push it in, but yesterdays winds somehow opened the door!!! My husband and I freaked out when we saw that, expecting to see a bloody mess because we have an outdoor cat and a dog that we don't trust... But thankfully they were all in the inner coop under the heat lamp... I'm gonna give the credit to our rooster Jacque, because he likes to boss over the guinea keets and the girls, and they all like to follow him around... So good to have a nice and peaceful roo!

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