How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

When and how often do you deworm your chickens? Thanks!

I approach de-worming the same for all my animals - it is done as needed/when indicated. Scheduled de-worming heightens the chance of contributing to the issue of resistance in parasites to the commonly used chemicals do to the increased exposure to them.
I approach de-worming the same for all my animals - it is done as needed/when indicated. Scheduled de-worming heightens the chance of contributing to the issue of resistance in parasites to the commonly used chemicals do to the increased exposure to them.
I use deciduous earth, it is all natural, and I put some in their food. Also, I line the bottom of the coop with it, before putting hay down. Not a poop covered egg in a long time. This way, you can still eat the eggs, and still keep the birds wormed.
I use deciduous earth, it is all natural, and I put some in their food. Also, I line the bottom of the coop with it, before putting hay down. Not a poop covered egg in a long time. This way, you can still eat the eggs, and still keep the birds wormed.

Yeah - DE (by the way that is Diatomaceous) is one of the bandwagons on which I refuse to leap. The proof of its ineffectiveness in control and/or elimination of internal parasites is enough for me.

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