How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

high of 35 F
6 of 9 again, but gravity got one.......

The hardest thing is keeping water from going solid ...... temps from -2 to a high of 17 ..... back down to 12 tonight ...... will warm a bit as it begins to snow in the AM.

I keep a light on from 6AM to 10PM....... no supplemental heat.

9 Buff Orps, ~9 months old.
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6 of 9 again, but gravity got one.......

The hardest thing is keeping water from going solid ...... temps from -2 to a high of 17 ..... back down to 12 tonight ...... will warm a bit as it begins to snow in the AM.

I keep a light on from 6AM to 10PM....... no supplemental heat.

9 Buff Orps, ~9 months old.

Do you have a heated dish? I got one at Tractor Supply and haven't had frozen water yet. I don't heat my coop either.

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