How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

@TJordan @Penny 1960
Sorry I've been buzy for the last 2days I couldn't post anything. I pray you're all doing good and your chickens too. Mine are doing good.
Eggs count: 31/37 and 6/10 for today.
@TJordan @Penny 1960
Sorry I've been buzy for the last 2days I couldn't post anything. I pray you're all doing good and your chickens too. Mine are doing good.
Eggs count: 31/37 and 6/10 for today.
Good to see you, So the virus has run away
7/9 today, including one 79g jumbo
. I'm guessing a double yolker from one of our RIRs. Still haven't seen an egg from our tiny EE, Curry.
I am at 4/5 but I think the one lays in the crate all the time so it was was from
last night and when I go to close them in there will be another. so maybe I am 5/5
both days still 13 Barred Pullets - 3 EE Pullets all to young

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