How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Nesting herbs? new one on me.. mine kicked the ceramic eggs out
color me blush but half of it is growing in my ever blooming herb garden
lol. They love the ceramic eggs, push with their beaks to under them and it seems to help them lay. You take it out, they go to another box with one in it. Nesting herbs is like potpourri or something, seems to relax them so lay faster when they are in their boxes. Mind you, this is first flock so I'm still reading and learning to what works.
Only 3 eggs today. All tan. So unless by some miracle I have 4 green eggs tomorrow I need to try to figure out which 2 are laying and which 2 are not.
Tuesday & Wednesday

9 eggs

Temp freezing low 80's sure hope my blood thickens up or I am going to freeze solid this winter when it gets down in the 40's
Well just a dozen but hey nothing to sneeze at then 12 of 18 + 2 getting
wings clipped today starting to test those wings greatly
0 Eggs from 8 Hens...

All my laying hens are second hand rescues but in the past couple weeks their egg production has more or less flatlined. I have plenty of food for them, they seem healthy, and they free range most of the day (but in the same places so I've checked for random out of coop egg piles but nothing!)

We raise silkies, but also have 8 sex links. the first 4 laid regularly for a couple weeks then dropped off, I found 4 more and they did the same thing. now I average 2-4 eggs a day. Any suggestions on this? They aren't short on food, but they just don't seem to want to lay much. Their coop has quite a few areas that have wire windows. Is it maybe a temperature thing?

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