How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I got 3 from 8 hens but I don't even know which ones are laying!

Oh I see you are new to posting on BYC so
great to have you joining the BYC flock

BYC has some great Information and it is free for all I hope you have some time to look at the learning center

If I could get you to chick out the Forum Nav: and look up New Members Introduction and check in and say hello to everyone as I believe it is about the only thing that will be asked of you at some point or another ....

Please enjoy your time here ay BYC and hope to see you back here telling us about your exciting egg count

I got 3 from 8 hens but I don't even know which ones are laying!
Hi and happy to have you join us as Gander007 said
will find a wealth of information and never a charge for it.. put
any phrase in the search box at top of the page find most anything
there are state threads also what type of chickens do you have
I have an EE/silkie cross that lays these useless things :p


The cream colored eggs are polish, just for reference.

She's not a new layer but I think her genetics must be wonky from the cross with a silkie. No clue. I try to save up her eggs and hard boil them for one bite snacks lol...I'd cull her but she's so cool looking I just can't ;)
Sitting here with 8 just now of 18 started clipping one wing on birds last night
so rather surprised I even have 8 of 18 + 2

went out to close up one in the nest she came out to say goodnight had a egg waiting to go in so 9 today
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