How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Another new blue egg layer
9/9 or 10 laying+1. .im so confused now. I think one of my EE's is laying a brown egg.

I have (or had) two tan/pinkish egg layers out of my EEs. I may have more tan egg layers now from their offspring...although they aren't laying at the moment if I do have offspring. Mine are like the one on the far left of your pic.
NICE! May we have some? We have 7 families waiting for our eggs, can't hardy supply em.
That's What Happened Last wk. The family has chickens but just started laying again so they saw the article and bought our nearly 8 dozen supply!! 40$ and didn't want me to give her the other 3 dozen. But yeah, she's gonna sell them;)
I'd love to share.

Only got 7 on Sun. morn so I showed them the menu for next week

Mon. Chicken fricassee
Tue. Chicken catchitori
Wed Chicken parmesan
Thur Chicken ala-king
Fri. buffalo wings and fried gizzards

They responded nicely noon

Who said chickens can't read
have a nice afternoon
I have (or had) two tan/pinkish egg layers out of my EEs. I may have more tan egg layers now from their offspring...although they aren't laying at the moment if I do have offspring. Mine are like the one on the far left of your pic.

The 2 far left eggs are the ones in question. I have waited over 31 weeks to get that Olive colored egg
. Looking at the bright side, I have a reason to get another chicken! Lol
ooo I hate when the eggs get laid in wet straw too.
I was using wood shavings but the last shavings are very fine and quite frankly...just really crappy. I can't get the coverage. So I started using our square straw bales. I find the straw doesn't keep their feet as clean. I used 4 bales worth and that's enough. I've went back to shavings now that the straw has been cleaned out. The eggs are much cleaner again. Even if it gets wet I'll just have to used more shavings. Hubby was noting that the girls seem to like the shavings better.
It doesn't bother my allergies as badly either.

Our new record!! 19 eggs today
....that's awesome!!

New record here too! 5 today.
...that's awesome too!!
The 2 far left eggs are the ones in question. I have waited over 31 weeks to get that Olive colored egg
. Looking at the bright side, I have a reason to get another chicken! Lol

These are my two eggs from the original girls.

The two girls that lay the eggs, same order. You can imagine my surprise when I realized the white hen has dark skin. I'm assuming she's a Silkie Probably why she lays the pinkish egg. (She's fully feathered now...pic was taken around Christmas. Both hens are from two different hatches, different times of the year...purchased as couple day old chicks.

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