How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

starting this coming friday to down size will take 7 to Auction 4 silky then there are 3 in the second room my lone survivor from the first marans hatch is a cockerel the two hatchery EE are pullet but the coop is full don't need them in there think week after I will take cuckoo marans to action only hold on the the bc marans through winter 9 from main coop so far
It’s been hot here! Around 80-90 degrees F. I’ve been fighting one broody after another. They have been easy to break and lay quickly after. All of them bantams which is interesting. Been averaging 12-13 eggs a day.

The juvies are about 13 weeks? I’m guessing. Some are getting close to big girl size. They’ve been let out and we’re working on playing nice. The bantams really challenge the juvies. My big girls don’t care as much.

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