How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

So we decided to keep a close eye on them and see who is laying yesterday. It would seem that they have cottened on to this plan though. All 4 spent a good deal of time sitting in nest box and all 4 sang the egg song (sometimes to complain that the favourite nest box was occupied). Those that sat in the second nest box waited for the favourite one to be empty then switched before laying.
3 eggs.
We think that it was Galena that took the day off as she was in the second nest when daughter collected them.
So we decided to keep a close eye on them and see who is laying yesterday. It would seem that they have cottened on to this plan though. All 4 spent a good deal of time sitting in nest box and all 4 sang the egg song (sometimes to complain that the favourite nest box was occupied). Those that sat in the second nest box waited for the favourite one to be empty then switched before laying.
3 eggs.
We think that it was Galena that took the day off as she was in the second nest when daughter collected them.
They're trying to keep you guessing :gig

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