How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I have slackers. I got 2 out of 9 today. I'll be going out after dinner to wave the frying pan and make a few pointed remarks about recipes and my love of cooking.
2/7 ???

Yesterday was a nice day and about 35* so I cleaned out the coop - new bedding, everything fresh and clean. This is how they thank me? I was getting 5 or 6 a day and I spend an hour out there cleaning and talking to them and all I get is the stink eye in return!
19/35 today thought I was going to get my usual 20 but the last hen on the nest was either just making a practice run for later or just in the nest resting this evening,

I got 5 out of 9 again today. My friend that put a dozen of my eggs in an incubator to practice with said today that two of the eggs were hatching. What fun!
4 out of five.

1- BA
1 -buff bantam
1 -silkied crelle

Two of my 5 pullets are EEs. One laid for the first time today (27-weeks).

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I must average 5 or 6 out of the thirteen we have. But that's not bad, some are old and in fact with a household of three we often get too much!

This morning I picked up one, and as I left two hens were hovering around the nest boxes, so I've got at least two more!

I don't often keep an eye on how many are laid. I think I'll start counting
8/18 That is down a little from the last few days but it was the last of several days of cold snowy weather. On the bright side they are getting bigger!

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