How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

3/6 Two aren't old enough to lay and I'm not sure if the 4th comet is laying yet. I got my first egg from Feathers today so I'm hoping I still might get a 4th.
the most I have gotten in oe day has been 9. I would think in the last 2 months their would be one day that I would get 11.
We got 1 egg this morning....

No wait.... 2 eggs this morning....

No...No wait... we got 3 eggs this morning/afternoon

NO...NO...NO...NO...we got 4 eggs today (so far) from 8 hens...


We got 3 white and 1 brown....trying to decide who laid what 'cuz I only thought I had 3 hens laying (2 leghorns and 1 white rock)...

So how does 3 white eggs and 1 brown come from that mix? My other hends are 2 EE's, 1 BR, 1 PR, 1 Austrolorp

I'm SO confused!!! LOL

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