How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Daaaang! We have 6 chickens, and I get 4-5 eggs a week, all from the same girl. My chooks are all almost 8 months old, but they're not interested in developing combs or wattles or getting red in the face or squatting or singing the egg song or anything related to egg laying. Anyone who ain't laying by January gets to go to freezer camp. Our RIR and BR will be 9 months old by then & if they're that old and not even maturing, they ain't gonna. They still have no comb or wattles at 7-1/2 months of age, only slightly pinkish-red face. I think I got some duds.

edited for typos LOL

Get Golden Comets next time.

I second that motion
1 egg from my molty crew (15 hens) most so far has been 6 eggs but shorter days and some starting to molt and 2 that are my only white egg layers i fear are to old to lay anymore BUT i cracked the 4 i got yesterday and 3/4 had bullseyes ^.^

come spring ill be up to my eye balls in eggs with everyone out of molt and my chicks(20 pullets 6 roos < that will more than likely be re homed or stewifyed ) starting to lay
I waited for my 15 hens to start laying. At 20 weeks I took a 5 day cruise and wouldn't you know they started laying while I was gone.
Three eggs while I was gone. I have been getting 2-3 each day. Today was a 4 egg day. PROGRESS:)
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I was only getting 7 - 9 eggs from 14 chickens whom I knew were laying, for months until I changed things up. I also do have some that don't lay in the winter months. I don't know if this will help anyone But, I started feeding my girls around this time at night and even put out extra. I only now use scratch feed 3 grain and black oil sunflower seeds. I use to do the laying pellets and my girls would not eat them. I have allot of chickens molting and some that were too young to lay. After changing it up they stopped molting and now the least amount of eggs I get a day has been 11 the most was today and it was 16 got two new laying eggs. I have gotten 70 eggs since this Nov. 14th, Sunday my week don't end until Nov. 20th, Saturday. Last week I got 70 eggs for one week. I also keep a record of how many eggs since the first day they started laying. I have found that it helps out to keep the records and I even write down everything that I have given them too Each day. Even the day I move my coops around and where in I put them. I don't know if this will help. I hope that it does. Good luck and best wishes to all of you. God bless. I also want to say that I have only tested this out since Nov. 10th. I have not updated my blog in a while. I will try to soon.
Still getting 7/8 from my layers! They are 30 weeks old and laying like champs. The eighth chicken is a leghorn that almost died on me, but seems to be rallying back. No eggs from her, but my other seven (three leghorns and three RIR) are laying an egg almost every day. I did add morning light recently - but that was also for my convenience since I need to do coop cleanings in the dark before work.
Our numbers are increasing day by day, week by week as our pullets mature. Today we got two olive green eggs, first ones from our spring Araucanas, I believe:) Yahooooooooo! ~G

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