How many Eggs did you Sell today?

none, a lady in a nearby town is selling eggs for .60 (cents) a dozen and so I cannot & will not compete with that. I told family I would do $1.00 a dozen for them, but I can't deliver them. They told me I'd just have an abundance of eggs then & so I told them I would sell them for $1.00 a dozen & when I get more than the frig can handle I'll scramble them up & feed them back to the chickens. Any money I would make would go to their feed anyway.

When I had chickens in the past, I would give my mother eggs, until I found out she was giving them to her friends who HAD been customers of mine.
So, now if I give any to my mother it is usually not more than one or two dozen eggs.

I guess I'd have better luck selling eggs if I did not live in a very rural area, so for now the eggs I have are mostly going for me & DH & also my daughter & her family of 4.

I had thought I would sell eggs for about $2.00 a dozen for cage free & when the weather permits, free ranged, but guess I need to try to figure out how to go about finding other customers.

WHAT??? SERIOUSLY??? REALLY??? Unbelievable! And I thought $1.00 a dozen in Louisiana was cheap. How on earth can she sell them so cheap???

I have no idea how she can sell the eggs that cheap. I wonder how many chickens she has & the size of the eggs, but I'm thinking someone had told me her eggs were on the small side, but for 60 cents a dozen they were not passing them up.
The cheapest I've seen in our local grocery store for factory eggs are $1.55 for medium eggs & $1.85 for large, so I did not think $2.00 a dozen for cage free eggs was a bad price.
4 dozen today for $3.00/dz and I'm out of inventory, or at least I was when I left this morning. Teresa made me an egg muffin with the last 2 eggs in the house. By 7:30 she let the Gals out and viola, there were 9 eggs in the coop. We've been getting 22-24 eggs each day even in this colder weather. But next week it's heading south with low temps around 5 F a couple of nights!!! Too cold, maybe I'll head south...

WHAT??? SERIOUSLY??? REALLY??? Unbelievable! And I thought $1.00 a dozen in Louisiana was cheap. How on earth can she sell them so cheap???

I have no idea how she can sell the eggs that cheap. I wonder how many chickens she has & the size of the eggs, but I'm thinking someone had told me her eggs were on the small side, but for 60 cents a dozen they were not passing them up.
The cheapest I've seen in our local grocery store for factory eggs are $1.55 for medium eggs & $1.85 for large, so I did not think $2.00 a dozen for cage free eggs was a bad price.

I am selling my free range eggs for $2.50/doz and I think that is cheap, and I am thinking of raising to $3.

Our good eggs are worth it. I would rather give them away to friends and family than let them go that cheaply.

If there is an Angel Food Ministry around you, give your extra eggs to them and you can feel really good about it!

My hens have just gone berserk laying. I thought my little Golden Comets would never get going, but they are in top form and laying like crazy.

I had been thinking of putting up inspirational literature in the coop, like pictures of Kentucky Fried and Chic Fille...(or however you spell that)...but they are really doing well even though it has been so cold.

I sold for the first time ever yesterday, my first 2 dozen eggs.

I sold them to the friend who let us borrow his trailer 3 times to go and get chicken tractors and coops.

Once my girls started laying I gifted him with several dozen eggs. He told me that he wanted to buy them and I said no that it was a thank you for the use of the trailer.

Anyway he's now a loyal customer and says that you almost need a ball peen hammer to crack the shells. I would rather have them too hard than too soft.

I Just sold my second batch of eggs today. 2 Dozen more. 3.00/dozen Yippee!!
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