How many Eggs did you Sell today?

Just one give-a-way to my accountant. Actually he did my 2 daughters taxes and didn't charge us not to mention we got a good chunk of change back. Now if I could only convince DW we need more chickens. Got the dearly departed dogs old run so I just have to build a errr.... a small coop,ya a small one.
I just want 6 more well maybe 9 but no more than that. Better to round it off 10........
Well, to be honest, I have too many animals to notice.

I'm sure if I made a conscious effort to pay attention, I"m sure that there I would notice a slight decrease in the amount of feed. In my opinion, I would think that free ranging would decrease the amount of food. Sorry that I couldn't help you on that one.
It depends on the time of year. When the bugs are out I notice less laying pellets being eaten. I feed alot of veggies to my birds all year long I have three gardens so this helps save on feed as well.
Sold 6 dozen

Donated 6 dozen to the local homeless shelter

Gave 1 1/2 dozen to the boy next door. He uses his hard earned money to buy a dozen every few weeks. He has great parents who teach him very well.

Gave 4 dozen to a relative who told me about her horror story with Wal Mart eggs. I felt sorry for her.

Gave 2 dozen to a guy down the road who is always leaving fresh veggies at my front door for me to find when I come home from work.

Gave 2 dozen eggs to an old lady who wants to incubate some eggs. I hope they were fertile because I have only 5 roosters to try to cover about 80 hens. I told her that it's a
chance none of them will hatch because of it. She seems to think otherwise. I told her Good Luck. :idunno

So many people have paid it forward in giving me a lot of things to include business opportunities, so I am paying it back by giving back to others.
5 dozen today,I compaired my egg sales to my feed costs from 3/1 to 3/20 and came up with a profit of exactly $12.85,,,WOW,,,Not a killing but I get my eggs free,,my feed is paid for and I get to enjoy my birds,,life is good

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