How many Eggs did you Sell today?

I just found this thread tonight and have been reading, it's addictive! LOL I haven't had chickens in YEARS but now have some 6 week olds and I can't wait for them to start laying! I hope to at least make enough to cover expenses. Y'all take care & God's blessings to each of you. :)
All we get. We'll use four a day on average and the other 15 or so go into cartons that I take in to work with me. Teresa has one lady at her work who buys them. But I swear when I come up to the building where I work with my Trader Joe's bag that I carry the eggs in someone lets out an alarm. I've even had people ride the elevator up with me just to get eggs. This is no lie: I can take in 8 dozen and for $3.00/dz they will be gone before I can turn on my computer and it boots up. Really! Sometimes I suspect if I dumped the bag out on the floor outside my office there would be fist fights just to get them.
how many hens do you have?
I sold 2 yesterday & had one of the ladies that had never bought fresh eggs before call me to see if the eggs were spoiled because the yolk was so thick. I have been selling eggs for about a year now & this is the first complaint I have had. A nice rich yolk is one of the reasons I have my hens. NOTHING like fresh eggs in my book.

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