How many Eggs did you Sell today?

Just a dozen today for $3.00/dozen. It's just me and a couple of others at work today. Next week I'll be off work so we'll be accumulating a lot of eggs that'll be gone within an hour of me getting in on that first workday back after the holidays.
I sold 3 doz. yesterday so that will help on next weeks feed bill, still have around 20 or so doz. boxed up for sale, but that's a good thing because if today numbers laid [5/23] is any indication of what's lying ahead I'll need them for backup till every one gets back on track.

I still have the dozen and a half duck eggs [and counting] in my fridge because I cant find anyone local to take them! I'm waiting for boxes to come in start shipping them out! Off topic, but let me know if anyone needs a farm logo for your egg selling!

Do you charge more for fertile eggs than eating eggs? Ive seen dozens sold on here for as much as $30 for hatching eggs! $3.00 just doesnt seem enough for fresh eggs!
I am crossing my fingers hoping the same happens here. 2 weeks of Christmas vacation is too long to be accumulating eggs. We have 10 dozen sitting on the counter and there are still 5 days to go!
Farm logo? Are you an artist? Do you draw?

And to answer your question about the fertile eggs...........Yes I do charge more for fertile eggs. Depending upon what type of eggs (breed), I may charge $20.00 or more for the fertile eggs.
I sold six dozen this morning and got an order for nine dozen the end of the week I have had so far,hope it keeps going .

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