How many Eggs did you Sell today?

six, for $18... how many did I buy? 12, for $54! What is wrong with this picture? I did sell three turkeys for $150 though, that was good. Oops, forgot to add, bought four silkies for $30 too. Today was a total turkey/chicken/egg/tradin' FOOL day!
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Farm logo? Are you an artist? Do you draw?

And to answer your question about the fertile eggs...........Yes I do charge more for fertile eggs. Depending upon what type of eggs (breed), I may charge $20.00 or more for the fertile eggs.

I'm a graphic designer and artist as well. I've done at least 15 farm logos for BYC members, or probably more actually. My ad is in the BST Archives too. I dont want to hijack this thread any more than I have! I'm sorry!

Ok thanks, my ducks just started laying so I'm just trying to figure the prices out!
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just sold 5 dozen to a customer
I sold 2 doz. today still have about 16 doz boxed up and kinda glad I have them as my hens havn't laid a single egg in yhe past 3 days. NOT GOOD. Sure hope this little spell they are going thru is over soon.

I am getting only 3 chicken eggs a day...1 guinea egg and 1 turkey egg....*sigh* hope they get their rears in gear soon...I was getting up to a dozen a day....darn slackers!! Who here uses artificial light in the coop to continue the laying season?
I start my chicks in June. In this way, they start laying in late November and continue throughout the winter and spring. I don't use artificial light.

However, there is a downside. They start molting in late summer, and I have two-three months in which no one is laying worth a hoot! I wish I could figure out a way to not have a time when no one is laying.

I guess maybe the answer is to start some chicks in February, but the trouble with that is I will lose some to the cold for sure.

If anyone has a good answer, let me know.

Four dozen at $3.00 each. I took off last week and we've been getting 17 to 19 a day from our 19 Gold Comets so our inventory built up over the holidays. I took in the four dozen this morning and within 10 minutes of getting to work they were gone and I didn't have to say a word. People came looking for me and brought me back the empty cartons to refill. I tell them if they bring back the cartons it's $3.00 but if they forget it's $3.50. I've not had to charge anyone $3.50 yet. So far all have come back many times over. I've another eight dozen in the fridge and I'll take in four more tomorrow and they're already promised. At least they're paying for the feed. They'll never pay for the Taj Mahal of coops but that's another story...

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