How many Eggs did you Sell today?

None today because they called off work.
We got that big snow storm here in NC that blew in Friday night and left us with 8 inches of powder that is now crusted.
Anyone need any snow? I'll help load it if you bring a truck...
Anyway, I'll have at least four dozen to take in tomorrow when I do go back in and those will be gone within fifteen minutes of getting to my office. You'd think with all the milk and bread they bought from the stores on Friday they'd have plent of milk sandwiches to sustain them...
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I want to sell eggs, to cover amount of feed, and straw, so how many hens do you feel I should have? MY 3 HENS ARE ENOUGH EGGS FOR US, WHICH IS L DOZEN.. i WAS 4 MORE HENS ADDING to my flock to have l dozen eggs more per week. I know about 4 or 5 families that would buy my eggs, but they are without kids, their kids are either married or in colllege, as mine are, which nmeans they will need less eggs. Comments please
How ever many you get, it won't be enough. And then you will have to make a new coop. And if you let them free range, you will have to get a dog to guard them.

And then you will want to incubate your own, and so of course, you will have to get an incubator. You will get a cheap one, because why pay a lot of money when you are only going to hatch out a few.

But you will completely fill it up, so you will have to get a better one.

You might want to get a little mealworm farm to give them snacks. Good healthy snacks.

Let's see, I am sure I will think up some more.

Oh, yes, you will have to wire the hen house if you haven't already, because you want to leave the lights on so they will lay in the winter.


Five dozen for ten dolars and I bought chick starter/grower 40 lb. bag for the babie chicks I am hatching cost me 10 and some change so I literally paid chicken feed for chicken feed today!
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Four dozen today for $3/dozen. Gone within fifteen minutes of me unlocking my office door. We were closed yesterday because of the snow storm we had over the weekend here in the Carolinas so I had extras. They all were snapped up within minutes.
I'm continuing to average about ten dozen a week give or take a dozen. Retail at $3.00 a dozen except for one small store that I wholesale them to at $2.50 because they buy a cooler full at a time.


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