How many Eggs did you Sell today?

We had a neighbors dog just descimate our layers two days ago.
After I got over the absolute SICKNESS in my guts I placed an order for another 50 laying hens. Last summer I could have sold 4 times what my Delawares could produce. I am going to get smart and charge $3.00 per dozen too! The grocery store eggs are $2.50-$2.60 and I am preaching to the choir here that farm fresh, pastured eggs are 1000X's better!
Sold 4 dozen outta the 7 dozen ordered...thats all I had to sell this morning. But the girls gave me 18 eggs today..
2 Dozen again today for $3.00/Dozen and I added a new customer as well with one of our new hires in my department. When he was being shown around to the staff he spotted my pile of egg cartons I sometimes keep in the office and asked about them. He wanted on the list so I told him he would be getting eggs on Friday. That is if the Gals keep on laying like they have been.
I sold my first order of duck hatching eggs the other day. I have a waiting list for more too!!!

AND I had a couple of people ask me about ducklings, so I may have to let one of the girls go broody once the weather improves

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