How many Eggs did you Sell today?

two dozen today
2 dozen and the person refused to give me $1.50 which is what I normally sell them for. He said that he wanted to give me $2.00 per dozen. I graciously accepted his generosity.
I answered and posted this on another thread, so forgive me to those who have already read it. It talk about how I sell my eggs and how I get customers. I hope that this helps.

***********************************************************From another post........

First of all, I'm a "talker", so I love meeting and talking to people. I'm a very frugal person who likes to recycyle, so when I'm out talking and trying to hustle to find things things to recycle to use for my little farm and around the house, I come in contact with many people. They always ask me what will I do with whatever item that I'm recycling. It's always about my farm and my animals. Then they ask what kind of animals do I have and then I tell them. When I tell them that I have over 100 chickens, they ask do I sell the eggs and I tell them yes. Their next statement is that they love fresh farm eggs and would love to start eating fresh eggs again. After that, we exchange information and they begin calling when they need eggs.

An example of how I connect with so many people. I was looking for gallon buckets for feed, so I called around to the Wal Mart bakery department and other bakery shops and asked if I could get a few gallon buckets. They said yes. When I went to get the buckets, they asked what was I going to do with the buckets and I told them that I was going to use the buckets to hold chicken feed. Well, guess what the next question was. You guessed it. They ask do I sell my chickens eggs. I got 2 customers from the Wal Mart bakery.

Another example - Went to the bread store to ask for the expired bread for treats for my chickens. The lady at the bread store was so happy to get rid of the old but still good bread. She asked me did I sell my chickens eggs and I told her yes. Guess what? Another customer.

Another example- I post ads on the Freecycle yahoo groups for egg cartons. People contact me to let me know that they have empty egg cartons. When I go to pick up the empty egg cartons, they ask me what do I plan on doing with the cartons. I tell them that I sell eggs and I need the cartons for my customers. They ask how much do I sell my eggs for and begin telling me that the eggs in the store do not taste like the farm fresh eggs and would love to get some fresh eggs. Well, guess what? Another customer.

And the list goes on and on and on. I just hope I continue to be as lucky to get new customers and keep the customers that I have. I live in Louisiana and everyone here loves to cook, so many of my customers use the eggs for baking. Unfortunately, I only sell my eggs for $1.50. That is the going rate in my neck of the woods. I wish I could get more but I don't think so. You may want to find out what the going rate for eggs in your neck of the woods.

I have a few elderly people (70+ years old and older) who are on a fixed income, so I sell my eggs for $1.00 a dozen just for them.

Large or small orders, I sell them all for the same price. I have a lady that was having a family reunion during the Labor Day weekend and she needed 10 dozen eggs but I only sold them for $1.50 per dozen. I had thought about selling them for more but I didn't.

WOW! Thanks for sharing!!!

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