How many Eggs did you Sell today?

I'm so eggcited, I sold my first dozen yesterday!
$3, or if they prepay, $20 for 7 dozen. That price is for my Regular Eggers, people who want them weekly, or every other week...

I also have a list of sporadic eggers, who will get on the list, and then if there are eggstra eggs, my husband can egg them! (again $3/dozen)

These are from my first chicks EVER, and I was very eggstatic when they began laying! Out of 16 hens, I have a new all time lay rate of 10 hens (5 Golden Sex Links + 5 White Black Australorps aren't quite up to speed yet, as in haven't had any from them yet.) My girls are all pushing 20 weeks old, and some started laying at just under 16 weeks!

I have 4 new Regular Eggers, and have room for just 2-4 more. I need to save some eggs for myself and my college going son!
5 dozen at 3$ per dozen:) had to give a few extra eggs as some of the dozen had small eggs in them:-( But hey-paid for take out lunch for DH and I:)
WOW I have 50 just fixin to start layin I fed em ADM starter grower and scratch ADM was 1250 a bag and scratch at TSC 8 a bag I have switched to a layer mash my local mill (SPENCER OHIO) makes and sells for 8 bucks a 5o#bag it had grain alfalfa meal oyster shell etc all in it... They eat one bag a week but also are free ranged almost everyday all day... Now for the folks worried about that extra protein / energy needed in winter heres what I do... I run over to the local butcher who by the way has agreed to let me sell eggs there as the other guy he has cant keep up... Anyway I get a whole suet it wieghs like 15 # I cut it into a 5 # block and hang it in the coop chickens in the winter go nuts for this!!!

Oooo... I know it is sad partin with them, I've actually sold alot of chickies this year too. I've had half of my hens go broody this year too, its crazy. I feel sorry for them too and give then eggs. Got 1 right now with her eggs due, 1 has a pip in it, I had given her 12 eggs and she broke all but 4. My feed bill is up, How much feed to you go through with that many chickens in a week?

Ok, now don't fall out of your chair but this is my weekly feed bill. Now keep in mind that I started off with about 60 ducklings, 96 baby chicks and 11 turkey poults. As I sold my babies, the feed bill went down a little bit but when I had all of them at one time, this is what I bought and this is what I spent EVERY week.

6 - 50lb bags of Dumor Starter/Grower 20% protein = 300 lbs of feed every week - $12.69 per bag = $76.14 each week)
1 - 50lb bag of Turkey starter/Grower 30% protein = 50 lbs of feed every week - $ 16.00 per bag = $16.00 each week)

The ducks ate the Dumor Starter/Grower 20% by itself.
The chicks got a combination of Dumor Starter/Grower 20% mixed with Turkey Starter/Grower 30% protein to fatten them up just a tad.
The turkeys ate strictly Turkey starter/Grower 30% protein.

I'm only purchasing about 4 - 50lb bags of Dumor Starter/Grower right now because I sold a lot of baby chickens and ducks. I am down to 11 ducklings as opposed to 60 ducklings and only have 77 baby chickens.

I have turkeys that will be hatching in the next 2 weeks so I will be purchasing MORE turkey starter at $16.00 per bag.

All of my animals have access to food and water 24/7, in addition to free ranging all day long as well. Also keep in mind, when the babies have hatched and are in the brooder with the mama, the mamas are eating the starter/grower as well. I had up to 12 broody hens eating starter/grower all day long as well with their babies, so that put a dent in the feed as well. It went quick with the broody hens eating it as well. Same thing for the mama ducks. I had 4 adult hen ducks eating starter/grower because they were all together in a pen, so the mamas have to eat what the babies eat.

The feed listed above does not include the cracked corn and lay pellets for the adult chickens, ducks and geese and the feed for my sheep, goat and rabbits

50 lb Cracked Corn - $7.69 x 5 (purchased once a week) = $38.54
50 lb Lay Pellets - $13.00 x 2 (purchased once a week) = $26.00
50 lb Sheep Pellets - $9.00 x 1 (purchased once a week) = $9.00
50 lb Goat Pellets - $9.00 x 1 (purchased once a month) = $9.00
Bail of Hay - $7.50 x 3 (purchased every week) = $22.50
50 lb Rabbit Pellets - $13.00 x 1 (purchased once a month) = $13.00

So my total feed bill varies because some things are only purchased once a month. But still too high.

Definitely no profit for me.
two dozen today.another customer wants three dozen tomorrow,another customer wants five dozen wednesday,,whats happening here?had a run on eggs this week
4 dozen today for $3.00/dz. Got to work at 7:05 and they were gone by 7:20. Two of my co-workers were waiting to ambush me as soon as I put down all my stuff. Now that we're getting better than 2 dozen a day from our 30 GC's it's a lot easier to fill people's orders. I still have to tell a few that I'll work them in tomorrow but doing that a lot less so now.

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