How many Eggs did you Sell today?

4 dozen today for $3.00/dz and they were gone five minutes after I sat down in my office. I've got orders for another 4 dozen tomorrow. We went on vacation last week so we still have a large inventory and for the past 3 days we've gotten 25 eggs each day. It's a good problem to have, I guess.
I wish I was getting 25 a day. I don't have enough eggs for all my customers right now. I have several regular customers that buy each week and then some that buy when they need. Out of 47 hens only 29 are laying age and are molting right now and I am only getting 6-10 a day.
I was getting 22-24 a day before they started to molt once the weather here started to cool down. So hubby went out and bought some more pullets.

How long do they molt? This is our first time of them really molting. They will be 2 in March.
2 dozen to a lady who'd bought a dozen a week or two ago. She and her husband came out to the house, wanted to see the girls, petted and admired them. She paid for the eggs after complimenting how wonderful the last batch tasted, then wondered when would be good to come get more
2 dozen this morning for $3.00/dz and gone before I could set down at my desk. Two of my co-workers were waiting at my door with empty cartons in hand to exchange. We've just about worked our way through last week's inventory that had built up while we were on vacation for the week.
I was at a small animal sale saturday and grown chickens were selling for 4/6 dollars a bird..with cold winter coming I think that is a fair price

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