How many Eggs did you Sell today?

2 dozen for 2 dollars.
Three dozen today for $3.00/dz. I brought in 4 cartons but for some reason one of them only had ten eggs. I tried to tell the prospective buyer that the eggs she was getting were were extra extra large and I thought that two or three of them were probably double yolkers so that would make up for it. She didn't buy that explanation... or the eggs for that matter... She did say 'Nice Try'.
6 dozen @ $3 each

We called a regular customer to make sure she wanted the 2 dozen she ordered two weeks ago...she said she didn't need any.
I was so mad...she switched from one dozen a week to two dozen every other week then she doesn't want them without any notice!

I got a new customer last week and when I emailed her to see how many she needed this week I told her I had some extras if any of the teachers she worked with needed them. She told me to send them along so she took 4 dozen and my other reg. customer got her 2 dozen. So relieved...need to buy some feed.
Boo-Boo's Mama :

6 dozen @ $3 each

We called a regular customer to make sure she wanted the 2 dozen she ordered two weeks ago...she said she didn't need any.
I was so mad...she switched from one dozen a week to two dozen every other week then she doesn't want them without any notice!

I got a new customer last week and when I emailed her to see how many she needed this week I told her I had some extras if any of the teachers she worked with needed them. She told me to send them along so she took 4 dozen and my other reg. customer got her 2 dozen. So relieved...need to buy some feed.

Shame on her for not wanting any more eggs. Surely she have submitted a 6 month notice in writing. How dare she!

Congrats on the new customer though. You lost one and gained one.

Do you know why your regular customer said she didn't need any? Do you want to call her to make sure that everything was ok with the eggs? Kinda like a Courtesy?Quality Assurance Call. Maybe times are hard and she doesn't have any money to purchase any more eggs. What do you think happened?

It if were a customer of mine, I would call her to make sure that everything was ok and that there wasn't any problem.​
Do you know why your regular customer said she didn't need any? Do you want to call her to make sure that everything was ok with the eggs? Kinda like a Courtesy?Quality Assurance Call. Maybe times are hard and she doesn't have any money to purchase any more eggs. What do you think happened?

It if were a customer of mine, I would call her to make sure that everything was ok and that there wasn't any problem.

We've made it a practice to ask if there are any problems with the eggs...this woman always said they were great and she loved them. DH plans to call her tomorrow afternoon to see if she wants to cut it down to one dozen every other week. We don't mind working with her, but if it had been me I would have taken what I ordered then changed the amount I wanted delivered the next time or said I didn't want to order any more at this time.

DH just called; he called a lady from C to let her know he was dropping off eggs at the university and would be at her house in just a moment to pick up the item he had called about that she offered on Craig's List. She said she was interested in getting fresh eggs.
We sell about 2 doz. per day for $2.50/doz. with carton return.

My wife has a customer gold mine at work. For the past two months she'd been behind about 20 doz. and could never catch up. Since our pullets started laying more regularly (2 doz. per day) she was down to about 6 doz. on her waiting list. We were a little concerned so I suggested she put the word out again. That evening she said, ummm hun, we don't have to worry about getting rid of the eggs. She got 3 new customers for 3 doz. each and about 5 old customers ordered too! Now she's at least 20 doz. behind again. We need more hens!

Kev n Jena

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