How many Eggs did you Sell today?

Kuntrygirl Wrote:
Jen4 wrote:

Thanks Kuntrygirl... Hey did you see my ducklings from my lil duck flock? Pics. in the duck forum... I seen yours, so cute love

Thank you.

Where are the pics? I looked for the pics but couldn't find them. WHERE WHERE WHERE!!!!?????????????? Please post the link.​

LOL... heres the link...
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three dozen today,,one dozen went to a new customer
Yesterday I sold 8 DOZEN! OMG! The last dozen were as fresh as you can get-from the hen house! All but 2 dozen were to new customers!! I couldn't believe it! My average has been 2 dozen a week... even though I get almost 2 dozen a day.
I have around 15 dozen in the fridge right now and they are going to the sale tomorrow. My hens are on overtime I guess! If anyone needs a few dozen eggs in the Tulsa Area Pm me. $2 a dozen! Lol before my hens started laying so much I was getting $3 a dozen easy but not I can barely sell them for $2. Its a good and a bad thing I guess? Congrats to everyone with the new customers!

to all the new eggs. Happy Chicken Farmin'


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