How many Eggs did you Sell today?

My chickens are barely laying and I cannot find any free range eggs around here so I have bought 2 dozen recently from Whole Foods that are organic, pasture raised from Vital Farms in Austin TX. I paid 7.99 a dozen!
They are not nearly as fresh as mine. PULLEEZE somebody in the western burb area of Minneapolis sell me some eggs.
Check Craigslist! I am in central MN and see posts all the time for eggs.

My chickens are barely laying and I cannot find any free range eggs around here so I have bought 2 dozen recently from Whole Foods that are organic, pasture raised from Vital Farms in Austin TX. I paid 7.99 a dozen! :eek:   They are not nearly as fresh as mine.  PULLEEZE somebody in the western burb area of Minneapolis sell me some eggs.
9 dozen. It's amazing the number of people who are switching from store bought eggs to farm fresh country eggs. I need more laying hens.:/

I have almost 80 chickens and never have a problem selling eggs in our little towns. I have 3 dz in the fridge to sell tomorrow but need more. I'll get enough before I leave tomorrow. My husband wants me to cut back on the chickens but where will these people get fresh eggs from?

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