How many people have buff Orpingtons


Goldie girl! My only Orp but she's the angel of my flock, so sweet and docile, she could be a therapy chicken!
I have 3 out of 8. I love everything about them. They're overall shape, fluffy bottom feathers, color of their legs, cute little chirps, the way they look at you when you come out the door all inquisitive, the way they knock the others around when they're trying to get to the treats while at the same time making a bunch of squawks and so many more I can't write them all down.
I currently have 5 Buff Orpingtons. While I keep reading how sweet they are. I have one in my flock who has definitely established shes top bird in the pecking order. And I have another who bullies my 8 lbs passive yorkie. She will literally run across my yard to peck the poor dog.
Hi, I have one Buff Orpington called Olivia.. I have 12 Old English Fancy Isabel Cuckoo Orpington eggs in the mail. Do they count? haha
We had one, her name was Maria but she died :( R.I.P now we have a buff rooster Tom. He is a little aggressive but I love him
We got Buff Orpingtons a few weeks ago. Hubby and I had chicks in our childhood, as adults these are our first six chicks were raising as pets & for eggs.
Can I answer for a friend? She had a gorgeous BO pullet that loved to sit on her shoe and she would swing her foot back & forth. Sadly Holly morphed into Howard and she had to rehome him. She lives in a residential neighborhood and of course wasn't allowed a rooster. What a sad time that was.

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