How many people have buff Orpingtons

Hi, I just joined the other day. I have two buff orpingtons. And my husband brought home a chicken somebody gave him and I don't know what kind it is but my buff rooster got to know her and she has been sitting on a batch of eggs. It will be 21 days Monday. My grandkids are excited about having some chicks to play with.
I have one BO pullet that is three months. I also have the Old English LF Orpington's in Creles, Columbians, Isabels and Golden Laced..
I last wrote about my hen sitting on her eggs they hatched sometime this weekend. They are so cute!
We have 3 buff orpingtons. This is Rose. She's my favorite.


They're all pretty friendly. Rose is top hen (pullet but don't tell her so). She is the first to come running when I head for the coop. I have to give her attention before I do anything else. Even if its my 15th trip out there that day. She acts like she hasn't had attention for a week. If I attempt to give anyone else attention Rose gets jealous and pecks me. That's the only time she isn't a sweetheart.

I love all my birds but I truly enjoy my orpingtons they have great personslities. I would love to have them in other colors. Especially lavender.
We have one - wondering if we should have gotten a second one...Goldie is a brat right now, but I'm thinking she might just be hormonal (she's 16 weeks). She is definitely top hen. She rules the roost right now...the first to come out of the henhouse in the morning and first to get to the food! She's also always bossing everyone around!

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