How Many Roosters Did You Receive From Cackle?


Jun 14, 2016
I've ordered 15 Straight run old English game bantams, and I can only keep around 3 roosters. How many roosters have you ended up with from Cackle? Preferably out of fifteen. Keep this thread going! Invite people you know and share pictures!
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With the breeds that are only sold as Straight Run (like the bantams) I'd say I've gotten a good 50/50 average--that's over a few years, ordering specific breeds straight run or assortments that include straight run. You're taking a risk anytime you order sexed breeds as straight run--then I'd expect more cockerels.
Not sure if chicks and goslings and ducks are sexed differently, but I have ordered 8 ducks and 4 goslings from cackle and they were spot on, I got them straight run and I ended up with 4 female and 4 male ducks and 2 male and 2 female goslings.
As far as chicks I have never ordered straight run from them, but sexed pullets they have always been spot on.

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