How many times/day do you feed your chickens?

Nope. It's that time of year. A lot of hens slow way down when the days get shorter unless you use supplemental lighting.

 so, how did you break it to your hens? mine didnt seem to get that memo. they are laying way too much. more then spring and summer. little bantams. the crows are my friend now.:th

Not all will slow down in winter. Some breeds lay better through the winter than others. My silkies & oegb way out laid my production birds last winter.

does anyone feed their chickens, well, chicken? i just cant bring myself to do it.

Yep. My chickens & turkeys got a ton of kitchen scraps this morning when I cleaned out the fridge. Included in the mix was chicken, turkey & pork.
Winter feeding: 2 X daily with both Cracked Corn & non medicated chicken feed. I usually clean waters at this time.
during the 2nd feeding I may add some treats along with feed. I then add water to bowls or clean & add

Summer feeding: 1 X daily with non medicated chicken feed. Little to no cracked corn. I now will use cracked corn
more as scratch or treat. Usually my chickens can free range in the backyard so lots of grass and
bugs available. I will also feed them treats as in winter about 3X's a week.

My left-overs always go out to the chickens. Anything I eat providing it isn't toooo salty I will give them daily.

I seldom feed much corn in summer because it makes them too fat. You get egg bound hens when too fat. It also makes it very difficult because it will make them too HOT/Warm and during hot temps they will die easily.

This is true for treats! Treats are good in winter because it allows extra fat/weight on them and their bodies will use it faster because of the cold temps. Treats also give them something positive to look forward to and reinforces positive attitudes during the dark, cold, short days of Winter.

Chickens ALWAYS should have available WATER supply. During winter it acts as an insulator for their bodies. During the summer it keeps them from becoming dehydrated and keeps their bodies cooler with Hot Temps of summer.
Not all will slow down in winter. Some breeds lay better through the winter than others. My silkies & oegb way out laid my production birds last winter.
Yep. My chickens & turkeys got a ton of kitchen scraps this morning when I cleaned out the fridge. Included in the mix was chicken, turkey & pork.
i went from 9 eggs to 16 today. im gonna tame them crows down. lol
My guys have a hanging feeder, one of those red based ones from Tractor Supply that I keep filled with layer crumbles. Usually have to top it off in the morning with about 3 scoops of feed. I also give them about 4 cups of fermented feed which they devour as quickly as they can and would lick the bowl clean if they could. So pretty much the FF once a day and the layer crumbles as they want them throughout the day. I've got 10 birds including 7 full size pullets/hens, 2 bantams, and a single rooster. They have an enclosed run and don't go out to forage much right now with there being snow everywhere and even when it melts the ground still frozen solid. They do have the option of going outside when they want but I honestly don't rely much on foraging. I'd rather make sure they have a good balanced feed and whatever else they find to eat during the day just for fun. Though they do love when I clean out the fridge. And had a ball with the pot of leftover chicken vegetable soup the other day.
Weather permitting, I feed fermented feed to all of my birds, including the tiny babies. It saves a ton on my feed bill. Feeding dry right now because Ohio weather is bi-polar. 60's 2 days ago...teens today.
I have 11 hens, 3 Bantam & 2 B Roosters. I have a hanging feeder that I fill about 1/4th. Then add as necessary.
Also have their water heated. If the weather is pretty good, I let them out in the afternoon. If anyone would like
directions on how to make a water heater, I will post. Am glad to hear the idea about the Spinach. I wish meal
worms were so cheap !!!
guess im going to look up fermented feed, everyone raves about it BUT if it is rotted food or involves chicken guts i know im gonna get sick.
Our chickens/guineas have 17% layer pellets in a hanging feeder available to them 24/7. That is supplemented with kitchen scraps that includes leftover food, greens, egg shells, etc. and occasionally scratch grains. On better days (without snow or heavy rain) they free range from about 11AM till dark.
I just keep my feeder filled with lay mash all the time. But I do see that my chickens have stopped eating my greens, and cooked potatoes I have gave to them in this cold weather. Does anyone else have a problem with their chickens not eating veggie scrapes?
I have a hanging feeder that has fresh pellets so they can eat whenever they want I also give them a mash that contains oyster shells and in evening before they go to roost I throw some scratch. They also get greens and they love grapes.

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