how many weeks until outside full-time?


11 Years
Apr 26, 2008
Cypress, Texas
How old do cornish x chicks have to be before they can be outside in the tractors day and night? Mine are 2 weeks today and have been outside during the day only(its been 80-85) I bring them back in the brooder at night. Its been around 65-70 degrees at night here, is that too cold for them?
Mine have been out side for a week. I'm in Ohio. We are still getting cold nights in upper 30's. If your weather is that warm I'd say you could put them out.
At 2 weeks they should be able to handle lows of 50. At 3 weeks lows in the 30's. Make sure they stay dry if you push these temps more then 24 hrs.

I have had to put straw in the tractor before to keep them out of the mud, and also put a trap over the tractor to keep the wind from blowing in the rain.

Your temp in Texas sound fine to go out at 2 weeks, just watch the wind and rain.

I am expecting 2 night in the 20's this week so no one is out side yet.
I put a lot of straw and they have heat lamp, and a tarp over the whole tractor. No ones crying and they aren't piling under light. They like it out there doing chickie things.
Thank ya'll for the replies! I think I will go ahead keep them outside full time now. the pen has a roof on it but the sides are chicken wire, so I'm going to cover 3 sides with a tarp. They're definitely happier outside in the grass and I don't like taking them back and forth. plus the brooder was stinking up the garage.
My experience has been great with putting Cornish X's out in thier own coop/tractor at @ 2 weeks old. I have only raised meaties in San Diego and Phoenix. So obviously the weather is on the warmer side and the worries of cold are not the same here as in most other places. I also customarily will put out my other chicks ( Leghorns, Barred Rocks, RIR ect ) out in their own open coop with a heat lamp @ 2 weeks old. Most people think that is insane but again the temps here in late winter to late fall are ok to do that. I have never lost a Cornish or any other chick to the cold period. So I think it does depend on how low the temp gets.

I agree with you temp statement. The big problem with the spring here is the cold snaps or the prolonged rain and dampness.
Last year I lost 9 broilers during a 2 day rain event, the first day was ok temps around 50 the second day it dipped and we had a little wet snow and wind. Just not good for 3 week olds that get wet.

They sure are stinky little things and the litter in the brooder can cap if you are not mixing it on a regular schedule.
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Well they survived their first night outside. Everything went good, it was alittle breezy though. I put a tarp over the pen to keep some of the wind off them and it worked like a charm.

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