How much are you charging/where do you live?

good for you ewe! i think alot of restaurants in the Portland area try to buy from the local farms-big and small.

this is a good thread, thanks for starting it garden gal.
My chickens are not pets but a working flock. For me they do more than lay eggs since they free range they compost and fertilize as well as bug control. We sell our eggs at $1.50 a dozen and $2.50 for 18. The dozen price will go up when I start selling at the farmers market those will be $2 a dozen to cover table cost and cartons I will have to order. Here in TN we are a low income state most eggs are sold between $1.50 and $3 for a dozen depending if you are in big city or small town.
I use sandpaper too. I keep the litter clean and rarely need to actually wash them. When I do, I use a little warm water after sanding worst off. For the occasional really icky egg I just toss it.
Here in Reno I charge $3.00 a dozen for med to large eggs or $3.25 if they don't bring their own carton. Charge $3.50 a dozen for extra large (with a occasional Jumbo egg thrown in) or $3.75 if I have to provide the carton. Only charge $2.00 a dozen for small eggs and again add .25 if I have to provide a carton.
Local, larger, organic farm in my area charges $4.00 a dozen for large/extra large eggs.
I also trade for produce.
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Sell mostly to co-workers here in Central MN. I charge $2.00/dz (white or brown-med to large) Whatever my fun flock is willing to lay!

Would like to raise my price, but don't want to lose my current customers!
So far I've heard from 23 states and Canada! I'll post the results but would still love to hear from a few more states! I think it will be great to have one thread to pull up and see a list of egg prices by state / area.
That wil be great! I keep checking this thread because I find the comparisions interesting. Maybe post what you have so far? Then others could easily see what states are missing?
I have been charging $3.50 but demand is higher than output [pardon the pun]. I am going to $4.00 at the end of Jan.,sold 24 December.
My chickens live in a National Historic District, the newest house on the block was built in 1890. This gives me a high end market for the eggs.
I'm also in central KY I would sell for 2 dollars a dozen but my parents, inlaws, freinds at church are keeping my inventory down. From what I have heard that is the going rate here in the burgin area.
I live near Ocala Florida I get $3.00 a doz for my large eggs which are large (x-large and sometimes a jumbo in the mix), and $2.00 a doz for my mediums which are mediums. I rarely get any small eggs anymore. I weigh all of my eggs. I live quite aways out of town. I average 3 dozen eggs a day from my girls. I did charge $4.00 a doz but then my egg sales dropped off and eggs were backing up so I went back to the $3.00 a doz.

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